JDB Construction LLC

JDB Construction LLC


Chattanooga, TN


Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Roofing Company in Chattanooga, TN

Your roof is the ultimate shield against the elements. You must protect what you care about the most (your loved ones, your belongings & your house). To help you achieve that, we offer you our service as a roofing contractor in Chattanooga, TN. JDB Construction LLC has 15 years of experience doing installation, repair & replacement. Call us or fill out our contact form on the right side to book your service.

Cost-Effectiveness & High-Quality

Roof Installation near Chattanooga, TN

The roof is essential for new house construction because it is the perfect shield against rain, snow, sun & wind. But not all coverings are made equal. And not all contractors are equal. So, you need to ask professionals for their advice. We are adept at installing metal, asphalt, wooden shingles, TPO, and flat roofing systems.

Keep Your Roof Strong with Our Roofing Repair in Chattanooga, TN

Keep Your Home Dry with Our Roof Repair in Chattanooga, TN

Your roof also needs maintenance for it to perform at its best. Also, by keeping on top of its care, it will last for many years to come. So, here you can trust JDB Construction LLC to inspect, maintain, and do the necessary repairs to keep it in top shape.

If some of your roof parts, like the cover, underlayment, chimney flashing, or fascia, need repair, you can count on us to do it. 

One piece of advice is: “Never let the rain catch you by surprise.” Instead, you can call our experts to do periodic inspections. In this way, we can detect and fix deficiencies before they become a greater problem.

If you know your covering needs repairs, you should contact us, and we’ll make sure to arrive at your house as soon as possible to fix the leak.

Years Of Experience
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Miles Around Chattanooga, TN
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Invest in Your Well-Being with Our Roof Replacement

Your roof has protected your loved ones, your house & belongings for many years now. But now, it is decaying and can no longer protect you.

Depending on the type of covering, its installation, and the maintenance you provide, it can last around 20 years. You likely have an asphalt shingle covering, and you’ll have to replace it after 25 years.

If you recently called a contractor to repair it, but after a couple of heavy rains, leaks keep on making their way in, it is probable that you need a roof replacement in Chattanooga, TN.

And since this is a valuable investment, you should hire the best local experts. At JDB Construction LLC, we are punctual, responsible & honest. So, you can expect to get the best value out of your money.

Roofing Contractor in Marion County, TN

Our Gutters Will Keep Water Away!

Your gutters play a vital role in diverting water away from your house. While your roof shields you and gathers all the water, gutters must take that water away from your house.

JDB Construction LLC can help you install gutters and gutter guards in Chattanooga, TN. In this way, when we install your gutter, we also make sure to protect it against leaves and clogging with the best gutter guards.

If you want gutters that need little maintenance, you can opt for our seamless gutter installation.

You can also count on our team for gutter repair and maintenance. With 15 years of experience as a roofing company in Chattanooga, TN, we can be your best option to keep your gutters working smoothly for years to come.

We Cover 40 Miles Around Chattanooga, TN

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