JDB Construction LLC

JDB Construction LLC


Chattanooga, TN


Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Roofing Services in Fort Oglethorpe, GA

If you need roofing services in Fort Oglethorpe, GA, JDB Construction LLC is your best, cost-effective final solution. We can solve your emergency like flat roof repair, metal roof repair, hail damage, and leak repair. Enjoy our high-quality & affordable service.

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TPO & EPDM Roofs: Your Affordable Option

TPO and EPDM offer high-impact and good chemical resistance.

JDB Construction LLC is a leading provider of TPO and EPDM systems. Our commitment is to deliver quality installation and replacement that exceeds your expectations.

We count on an experienced, knowledgeable, skilled & professional team. So, we can handle any commercial roofing project.

Years Of Experience
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Miles Around Chattanooga, TN
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Types of Metal Roofs in Fort Oglethorpe, GA

1. Galvalume

Galvalume is a coating consisting of zinc, aluminum, and silicon. Its design protects the base metal from oxidation.

Types of Metal Roofs: Galvalume

2. Aluminum

Aluminum is one of the best energy-efficient materials. It is available with cool roof coatings that meet LEED and Energy Star compliance. 

Types of Metal Roofs: Zinc

3. Zinc

Zinc is a type of metal roofing that is durable, sustainable, and versatile. It is also available in a variety of pigmented finishes.

4. Copper

Cooper offers longevity and energy efficiency. It may be more expensive than other roofing materials, but the advantages vastly outweigh the disadvantages.

5. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is an iron alloy resistant to rusting and corrosion. These characteristics are excellent when you are looking for a roof that lasts a lifetime.

We proudly offer the most affordable, trusted & efficient roofing services in Fort Oglethorpe, GA.

Types of Metal Roofs: 5. Stainless Steel

Clay Tile Roof: Get Quality Installation & Repair

As a qualified roofing company in Fort Oglethorpe, GA, JDB Construction LLC can repair, replace, or install clay roofing tiles.

Clay and concrete tiles resist hail, high winds, and even fire; they take long years to decay.

Even though these coverings are very durable, they may require repairs or maintenance due to breakage from heavy impact.

With our affordable roofing services in Fort Oglethorpe, GA, your new installation will be a beautiful and durable asset to your home for years.

Years Of Experience
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Miles Around Chattanooga, TN
0 +

We Cover 30 Miles Around Chattanooga, TN

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